
Wow! What a brilliant start you have all made to Year 1! We are so impressed with how you have all dealt with the changes that coming into Year 1 has presented; you have shown great resilience and perseverance. 

Your new teachers

Below is our timetable for this week

RWI - Read Write Inc.         


PE & Dance

Year 1 have PE and dance on a Monday afternoon. On a Monday, your child should come in to school in their PE kit, rather than changing at school; this will save them having to bring more items in than needed.

Follow the weekly timetable above. 

Practice phonics every morning. Start by saying all of you sounds. You can find these below or in your green and yellow books that you took home. 

You should then read your reading book, provided by oxford owl. You can find a reading book at the right level by following your personal link on seesaw. 

Stars of the Week & Celebrations

Year 1 classrooms

If you are self isolating or learning from home this week...


There are lots of activities for your children to do on the Seesaw Platform. You should have your log in details already at home. Just type in the password or scan the QR code. You can access using a computer or laptop, games console, tablet or phone.  Follow the link below or download the 'class app' for Seesaw on the app store. 


NUMBOTS and Times Table Rockstars

Follow the links below to access these platforms. These are both enjoyable game based learning platforms. A great way to help improve your children's quick recall of key mathematical facts whilst having fun! 



In our big writing lesson this week we will be writing an alternative ending to Little Red Riding Hood.

The wolf reveals himself and leaps out of bed to eat LRRH!

What should she do? 

Is there something in the house that she can use to stop the wolf? 

How will she move? 

What will the wolf do? 

Maths in week 5 and 6

This week we are learning about 2D and 3D shapes. 


Can you name the shapes?

Can you describe their properties? 

2D - sides and corners

3D - faces, edges and vertices


Why don't you go on a shape hunt and say the shapes you can see around you?  

You could draw a shape picture. 

Our topics this half term - what we are working on and some further ideas and activities to do at home :)

Our topic for this half term: Fairy Tales

Our Core Books this half term

We will also be learning about these topics this half term

Autumn half term 2's KIRF focus in Maths

(Key Instant Recall Fact)

Additional home learning for everyone, choose 1 each week to complete.

We would love to see your work so post it to seesaw or  school's twitter page if you can! :)
